VLS Resource Center

Chapter Governance
​As an elected officers of your local chapter, you are responsible for establishing policies, strategies and objectives consistent with those of SHRM. To provide guidance to the elected and volunteer members of our California SHRM affiliate chapters, below are a few resources your may find valuable.
Every SHRM Affiliate chapter is tasked with promoting SHRM certification activities for their members.
The CalSHRM Certification Director is available to assist Chapter Certification Leadership in the task of formation of chapter study programs, conducting SHRM certification preparation courses and developing communication programs in and about SHRM certification.
Diversity & Inclusion
The CalSHRM Diversity & Inclusion Chair is available to work with the chapters’ diversity directors to ensure they have information and materials to promote diversity. They are available for presentations if and when appropriate, they can help to identify programs or speakers for conferences or chapter programs.
Government Relations
The CalSHRM Government Relations Chair monitors and evaluates pending federal, state, and local legislative, regulatory, and legal activities that may have an impact on the management of human resources. They provide quarterly updates to California SHRM affiliate chapters and members at large and at the annual CalSHRM conference.
The CalSHRM Membership chair provides leadership to membership activities in chapters, particularly assuring that chapter membership directors have access to resources necessary to recruit at-large SHRM members to chapters, local chapter members only to SHRM, and non-affiliated HR professionals to both organizations. Monthly calls are held for California SHRM Affiliate Chapter Membership Leadership. To be added to the membership call invitation click here.
Chapter Marketing & Social Media
The CalSHRM Brand Manager works to promotes awareness of the purpose and actions of the council & California local SHRM affiliate chapters through ongoing communication efforts and branding initiatives. The CalSHRM Certification Director holds Quarterly webinars for California SHRM Affiliate Chapter marketing promoters. Review the schedule and register here.